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Hier sind 14 Ergebnisse, beginnend mit Nummer 1.

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Liste der Ergebnisse

  • " »oths diftiagui;hi Gennan>- to the «««• wi,gS agreeably r.^f. b/ the "^1" low and brown hues VU ^*' **  +
  • - to the «««• wi,gS agreeably r.^f. b/ the "^1" low and brown hues VU ^*' **  +
  • A beautiful phalaena, which is likewife pretty rare, and whose upperwings, are green, white and black-marbled.  +
  • Fig. 1. The Matron. (Phalaena bombyx matronula.)  +
  • Fig. 2. The vary-coloured Phalaena. (Phalaena bombyx versicolor.)  +
  • Fig. 3. The drone-wanderer. (Sphinx fuciformis.)  +
  • Fig. 4. The Diana.  +
  • Fig. 5. The Widow. (Phalaena bombyx Hebe.)  +
  • Insects LI. Vol. VI. No. 44.  +
  • It belong in r>" »oths diftiagui;hi Gennan>- to the «««• wi,gS agreeably r.^f. b/ the "^1" low and brown hues VU ^*' **  +
  • The white upperwings are adorn'd by black crofs-bands with an orange- tawny border. The fcarlet underwings give to this Phalaena a gorgeous appearance.  +
  • This beautiful phalaena arises from a roughhaired caterpillar, which is met with on several plants. The butterfly has umberbrown «pperwings with yellow spots. The yellow underwings are blackstain'd. The big body «rcadet red with black crofs-bands.  +
  • ■"« Sphin, (b. e,) refembleS) atthe firfi Fig. ht, our common drone, whence it has got its name. It proceeds from a great green caterpillar, and flies at broad daylight humming, about many flowers.  +