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Hier sind 6 Ergebnisse, beginnend mit Nummer 1.

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Liste der Ergebnisse

  • Among the Canary Islands, situate westwardAmong the Canary Islands, situate westward from North-Africa in the Atlantic Ocean, that of Teneriffa distinguishes itself by its lofty, pointed mountain or Pico de Teyde. It is elevated 12,420 feet above the surface of the Sea; we behold it here represented from the Sea-side or the bay of Santa Cruz. The city of Santa Cruz lies before us on the Sea-shore.anta Cruz lies before us on the Sea-shore.  +
  • Miscell. Subj. XCVII. Vol. VI. No. 46.  +
  • Since almost all ships, bound for the East-Indies, are landing at Teneriffa; this Pic, just now described by us, is universally known, having been mounted by many European travellers.  +
  • The Pic is situated towards the Southpart The Pic is situated towards the Southpart of the Island. Its summit ist naked, where a great volcanic Crater appears, surrounded with more than 70 little ones on the different lava-beds. The lava covers the top of the Pic; the nether regions are cover'd with pumice. This Vulcano upon Teneriffa is not yet extinguish’d, but sulphureous steams are almost perpetually amending from it. The last great eruption of uncommon violence happen'd in the year 1707.common violence happen'd in the year 1707.  +
  • The Pic of Teneriffa.  +