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Hier sind 6 Ergebnisse, beginnend mit Nummer 1.

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Liste der Ergebnisse

  • Fig. 1. The mountains of ice,  +
  • Fig. 2. Russian Swings,  +
  • Miscell. Subj. CVIII. Vol. VI. No. 60.  +
  • The plate hereto belonging exhibits two dif- which they drink with or without milk, and ferent sorts of the most beloved advertisements Prussian ginger- bread, ef the Russian people, viz:  +
  • which are wooden scaffolds, about 13 yardswhich are wooden scaffolds, about 13 yards of two different sorts. The one (i) is like a high (i), one side of which has a wooden slo- carousal or running at the ring, except, that penefs, that is cover'd with pieces of ice, and instead of being horizontal, it is perpendiiprinkled with water, on which the lovers, cular. The lovers of the swing are seated being always numerous, or seated on little in chairs, fasten'd on an axle-tree, which sledges, or standing on skates, with such vio- are driven about by means of a wheel or lence slide down, that they continue gliding only with the hands. The other (2) is a on the icy way prepar'd below. Such artifi- swing for 8 sitting persons, that are put in cial mountains of ice are every year in the motion byr 2 standing ones. Such swings are carnival's week constructed at St. Petersbourg raised in the Easterwetk on publick places, upon or near the Newa, [we view here over Those, which we here view, stand upon the against the Atademy of sciences (3) with an place before the stony theatre at Si. Peters* other Palace (4)] and much frequented, whe- bourg, where also brandy tents (3) are pitre spectators are never wanting. Here are ched, and soldiers of the police posted, to people too, who sell refreshments, as a sort prevent disorders or to appease them by meof mead, composed of sugar and pepper, ans of the fire-engine, which here appeart.ns of the fire-engine, which here appeart.  +