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Hier sind 7 Ergebnisse, beginnend mit Nummer 1.

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Liste der Ergebnisse

  • Fig. 1. The entry to the cave.  +
  • Fig. 2. The interior view of the cave.  +
  • Miscell. Subj. CX. Vol. VI. No. 64.  +
  • The superior entry to the cave forms a vauThe superior entry to the cave forms a vault of rock, where at the left side an opening leads down, to which the visiters arrive, by letting down themselves by means of a rope, they wind around the natural pillar of rock.. Lighted torches are highly necessary to dispel the obscurity. highly necessary to dispel the obscurity.  +
  • The visiters, when they are got down from The visiters, when they are got down from above the first precipice, come to several slopes, which on account of the deep caverns that lie on the right, partly are not without danger. More frequently the travellers by means of ropes must be let down considerable rocky walls; yet the danger being past, the courageous is rewarded by a sight so much the more brilliant. For at last one comes to the hall of rock represented Fig.. II. where one clearly perceives, that the whole grotto was form'd by stalactites. The most splendid stalactites - points hang down from the vault of the cave, and rise from the ground. A large mafs of stalactites forms in the middle an elevation. Here it was, where Mr. de Nointel on Christmafsday 1673 order'd to say mafs, wherefore this spot since that time is call'd the altar. spot since that time is call'd the altar.  +
  • This remarkable cave is found on. AntiParoThis remarkable cave is found on. AntiParos, a small and insignificant Island in the Greek Archipelago.. In ancient times this grotto was unknown, and in the later ones it was first visited in the year 1673 by Mr. de Nointel, french Ambassador at Constantinople, who with a considerable retinue pafs'd the Christmafsdays in that grotto. pafs'd the Christmafsdays in that grotto.  +