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Hier sind 6 Ergebnisse, beginnend mit Nummer 1.

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Liste der Ergebnisse

  • Fig. 1. A shepherd of Morea.  +
  • Fig.2. The modern-greek Story-singer.  +
  • Misc. CXVI. Vol. VI. No. 74.  +
  • The annexed view represents a moderngreek The annexed view represents a moderngreek story-singer; in his usual custom, near a fountain of the turkish order, in a grove. Accompanied by his instrument, resembling a mandolin of a long neck, he gives several songs to some inhabitants of Morea, who differ, among themselves by rank and consequently by fashion, in the midst of whom we likewise behold a shepherd. These storysingers, traversing the whole country, perform, at the same time, the functions of poets, musicians and story -tellers for the sake of public sport.ory -tellers for the sake of public sport.  +
  • The present table exhibits one of the shepThe present table exhibits one of the shepherds of the greek peninsula of the Morea, who is blowing on a simple rural pipe, near his herd. He is a mountain-shepherd, in his simple garment of sheep's skin, wearing a red cap upon the head and sandals on the feet. In the back-ground we perceive the sheepfold and the high scaffolds, which serve the shepherds for a summer-abode. In the winter or generally in cool nights these shepherds, with their flocks, retire into mountaincaverns, which are the usual dwellingplace of their families. These shepherds lead a very simple and poor life; yet with all that they are indépendant.e; yet with all that they are indépendant.  +