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Hier sind 4 Ergebnisse, beginnend mit Nummer 1.

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Liste der Ergebnisse

  • 1 hi3 remarkable kind of Palm-tree, which 1 hi3 remarkable kind of Palm-tree, which arrives at the extraordinary height of 160 or iSo feet, has been discovered by Mr. Alexander Humboldt, the celebrated naturalist, during his travels through SouthAmerica, oa the mountain called Quindiu. The trunk, that sticks to the earth with many roots and filaments, rises uprightly; betwixt the rings, formed by the fallen leaves, there cleaves a yellow bark, three lines thick, as smooth as a reed, consisting in a mixture of resin and was. On the left we behold a piece of the trunk in its natural greatness. The natives, who consider this bark as pure wax, form thereof tapers and candles, after having mixt it with a third of tallow. The spherical fruits, o[ violet - colour have a sweetish taste and are crowded together like bunches of grapes; the interiour part encloses a hard almond. This Palm-tree never bears more than ten feathered leaves, rising to the height of 18 = 21 feet, so that the whole offers a surprizing and sublime sight.ole offers a surprizing and sublime sight.  +
  • Plants CXV. Vol. VI. No. 81.  +
  • RARE TREES.  +
  • The Wax-Palm-Tree of South-America. (CeroxyIon andicola.)  +