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Hier sind 7 Ergebnisse, beginnend mit Nummer 1.

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Liste der Ergebnisse

  • Fig. 2. A Persian of a middle condition, in the summer-habit.  +
  • Fig. 3-4. Persian Women.  +
  • Garments. XII. Vol. VII. No. 7.  +
  • The clothes of the persian women are more The clothes of the persian women are more agreeable than those of the men. They do not eut the hair, but cover the head either with a shawl, in the shape of a Veil, or twist it like a turban. Over the smock, which is open tili to the middle of the body, they wear a gown descending to the knee, and adorned with loops of gold and silver. The wide breeches are closely quilted and lined from the top to the bottom.lted and lined from the top to the bottom.  +
  • The garments of the Persians are long, vviThe garments of the Persians are long, vvide, and party - coloured, after the oriental fashion., The rieh wear precious silkstuffs, richly bordered with gold, silverand gems. The Persian hère portrayed wearg a sîiirt of red silk, over it a wai.ucoat and a vvide surtout, .that' descends tili to the ancle, being girded with a shawl. The head is covered with a cap, formed like a turban. covered with a cap, formed like a turban.  +
  • The inhabitants of Persia are hère represeThe inhabitants of Persia are hère represented in their différent. garmenls. The Persians are lively, addicted to pleasures, and a little frivolous ; but for ail that more sociable and more compassionate strangers than their neighbours, the rude and distrustful' Turks. They are middlesized, rather lean than fat, but of a vigorous and healthy constitution. Though the Mahometan is the prédominant religion, yet they tolerate many other sects, as the Gebers, vvho adore the fire. From the simple dress of the Curdes, (Fig. . I.) a half savage, rapacious and mountaineer people of West-Persia, we make the transition to the garments of the Persians.ransition to the garments of the Persians.  +