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Hier sind 17 Ergebnisse, beginnend mit Nummer 1.

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Liste der Ergebnisse

  • Fig. 1. A Circassian Prince.  +
  • Fig. 2. A common Circassian.  +
  • Fig. 3. A Mursa or Tartar gentleman.  +
  • Fig. 4. A Tartar of Nogaj.  +
  • Fig. 5. A Trukmanick Tartar.  +
  • Fig. 6. Bashkirs.  +
  • Fig. 7. A Kirgise.  +
  • He is represented without arms, as an attendant of a Circassian Prince.  +
  • Miscell. Subj. CXL. Vol. VII. No. 10.  +
  • The Bashkirs are descendants of Bolgars, and consequently destitute of culture. They are a warlike people.  +
  • The Circassians who inhabit the province oThe Circassians who inhabit the province of Kuban, are descended frora the Tartars, arid form a mixt, well-shaped and martial people, subjected to particular little Princes, who, however, acknowledge the russian sovereignty. Such a Prince is hère copied in complète armour, with helmet, coatof mail, sabre, bow, arrows and pistols.atof mail, sabre, bow, arrows and pistols.  +
  • The Kirgises are free, rapacious and rude Tartars, mixed with Mongols, and inhabiting the déserts, on the frontiers of Russia. They keep a considérable breed of cattle, particularly of horses, and are very savage.  +
  • The Trukmatis inhabit seyeral countries, particularly the mos.t beautiful régions of Caupasus. Sucha one is hère represented.  +
  • The peasants, or common Circassians are ail together bondslaves to gentlemen. The whole country can raise an army of 1500 gentlemen, and about to,ooo warlike bondslaves.  +
  • The présent table exhibits a séries of Asiatick peoples, as well pagans as mahometans, who are to be found, more or less frequently, amông the russian light horse.  +
  • These vagabond and rapacious Tartars distinguish themselves by their physiognomy, which proves their breedmixed with the Mongols. They adorn their lances with fox - skins.  +