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Hier sind 6 Ergebnisse, beginnend mit Nummer 1.

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Liste der Ergebnisse

  • Fig. 1. The bristly Sea-pen. (Pennatula setacea.)  +
  • Fig. 2. The membranous Coralline. (Corallina membranacea.)  +
  • The Sea-feathers, which in all seas are meThe Sea-feathers, which in all seas are met with swimming about in summer on the surface of the water, are composed of a cartilaginous stalk, covered with a fleshy skin and spreading upwards in fibres like a pen. They form the abode of the little polypous. The sea-pens pass the winter at the bottom of the sea. The species exhibited hère belongs to the scarcer ones and gives the clearest représentation of this genus of Zoophytes.représentation of this genus of Zoophytes.  +
  • The membranous Coralline hère represented The membranous Coralline hère represented is composed, like the other species of this genus, of a branched stalk, adorned with horny articulations and covered with a calcarious crust. The surface is füll of apertures or pores, which we behold in ä magnified State in Fig. . b. ed., and which serve as an abode to the little polypus.h serve as an abode to the little polypus.  +
  • Worms. XVII. Vol. VII. No. 19.  +