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Liste der Ergebnisse
- Ad00341 05 013a/eng + (It diftinguifhes itfelf like the former by it's long but fmall wings, as alio by the long flender body. It's colouring conlifts of a pleafing variety of orange-tawny and brown.)
- Ad99998 06 013a/eng + (It diftinguifhes itfelf like the former by it's long but fmall wings, as alio by the long flender body. It's colouring conlifts of a pleafing variety of orange-tawny and brown.)
- Ad99999 06 013a/eng + (It diftinguifhes itfelf like the former by it's long but fmall wings, as alio by the long flender body. It's colouring conlifts of a pleafing variety of orange-tawny and brown.)
- Ad00341 05 013a/eng + (Insects XLVIII. Vol. VI. No. 11.)
- Ad99998 06 013a/eng + (Insects XLVIII. Vol. VI. No. 11.)
- Ad99999 06 013a/eng + (Insects XLVIII. Vol. VI. No. 11.)