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 Amerikanische Früchte

Beschreibungstext eng

Plants LXXIX. Vol. IV. No. 23., AMERICAN FRUIT., Fig. 1. The white Guaya. (Psidium pyriferum.), i. he white Guava or Guava-tree which bears a fruit limilar to a pair, is indigenous to the Islands of the Weft* Indies. ït attains common ly a height from iß to 20 feet, the item meafuring about a foot in diamètre. The leaves which grow oppofite to 011e another, are oval and füll of ribs witiiotit beiftg indented. The wbite blossom (B) appears in the third year and grows iingly on the fiaîks; the fruit (a) is about the size of a common pair; at si rit it is gren, but full grown it becomes yellow, mottled with red. It bas a good fmell and a strong but agreeable tafte. Beihies it is a very wbolefome and comf or table «our-ishment and is frequently eaten iß those. countries, fresb as well as boiled., Fig. 2. The rough fruited custard Apple. (Annona muricata.), This Apple-tree is aifo a product of various Islands of the Weft-fndies. Its oblong pointed leaves grow v/ithout any ordre on the fîalks; its flower-cup wbich consists of three leaves, is wbite on the outfide and of a reddisb colour on the bifide, and bas an agreeabie fmell. The fruit (B) is as big as a fift and bears the form of a beart. The outfide green peeî is as if it were divided into various scaly sbields which in their middle bave a little prickly protubérance. The pulp is füll of juice and not only of an excellent wine acid tafte, but it is also a very relisbing nourishment in those bot countries. For to eat it the outfide peel is taken of aad the pulp eaten with a fpoon., Fig. 3. The Mamei Sapote. (Achras mammosa.), This frnit is found on the isles of Cuba, Jarnaica and varieus other parts of South America. Its wbite blossom bas fix leaves. The fruit is three times as large as the annexed picture. It is of an oval sh. ipe and reddisb bro. wn colour. The red pulp wbich aloue is eaten, bas a fw. ee tish tafte, but is very aqueous and therefore not well tasted; it bas some kernels (B) which contain the feed. (c.) MameiSapote is the American dénomination.