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Beschreibungstext eng

Plants. LXXXVII. Vol. IV. No. 63., EXOTICK PLANTS., The tuberous Cyperns. (Cyperus esculentus.), This plant is become remarkable in Gevmany fince its small tuberous root has been recommended and ufed in ihe room of coffee. It belongs to the grass gender and is also sometimes called: Cyperus-Grass. It is a native of the Orient especially of the Levant and Egyptt where is grows wild., Fig. 1. shews this plant in its natural size, when Hals grown, and resembling to a common grass-fhrub. Its copious capillaceous roots are füll of little white knots which, when full grown, become those knobs (Fig. a et b) that commonly are called the luberous cypemsoxsometimes Earth-Almonds., In Fig. 2. the plant appears in its full growth with the tuberons roots which are taken ont of ground like potatoes. The knobs are commonly covered with 5 rows of scales or rather hufks which lie one upon anolher like tiles, as may be seen in Fig. a. et b. where they are represented in their natural size., They have an agréable taste very much like almonds and are eaten either raw or roafted. In Italy a very good beverage and différent dishes are prepared from them. When roafted like coffee they afford a beverage fimilar to coffee. Hence they not only have been recommended and made ufe of in the room of coffee but the plant is also frequently cultivated and begins to constitute an article of trade.