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 Zwei merkwürdige Wallfisch-Arten

Beschreibungstext eng

Fish. XXXVIII. Vol. IV. No. 92., TWO SORTS OF REMARKABLE WHALES., Fig. 1. The Cylindric Pot-Whale. (Physalus cylindricus.), J. bis Whale which is of an enormous size, is an inhabitant of the frozen fea anrî differs in its external form from ail other whales. The anterior part of the animal lias a perfect cylindrical form vvhence its nanie is derived. The vvide mouth lies very low. The under javvs arethin, flat, and narrower than the npper, so that the mouth, when clofed, is hardly perceived; but when open, it is of fuch a prodigious amplitude that an Ox might fiand upright in it. Its tongue is fhort and only moveable from fide to fide. It preys on lèverai kinds of large fish, the bones of which are frequently found in its stumach. The tail is very fhort, which pi. obabiy is the càufe of its flowness in fwitnming. Its fkin and fief h are very hard, vvhence it is very difficult to itricke and wound this whale with the harpoon., Fig. 2. The Physeter Trumpo. (Catodon Trumpo.), The Trumpo is also a species of whale of a very particular form. It is generally met with on the coasts, of New England and the Bermudas or Summer islands, but occurs also on the coasts of Greenland. The head constitutes about the Hals of the whole animal, being from 30 to 35 feet long. The upper-jaw is rauch wider than the under one. The fpout or blow-hole is placed on the anterior part of the head. Its strong teeth are situated in a regulär feries in the under javv, and, when the mouth is fhut, they fit into proper holes or cavities, which t in the upper jaw are adapted for their réception. The Trumpo is very fat, and the train-oil boiled ont of its blubber is much clearer and less acrid than that of the corn-, mon whale. The Trumpo fwims with more celerity and vigour than the former species.