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Beschreibungstext eng

Insects. XXVI. Vol. IV. No. 38., TWO KINDS OF SPHINX OR HAWK-MOTHS., K", 0i8, (juipaffe que veri le p^. « (0 «clôt Se, Solives jaunâtre, «s ailes inférieu« si s leurmiUaD«, i^f. Ptpmueiit utr« ail), ifw ecf» trou^fei re., Fig. 1. The great Oleander Sphinx. (Sphinx Nerii.), A he grent Oleander -Sphinx which 16 hère fepresented in its natural size, is undoubtedîy one of the moit beautifulHawk-Moths, we are acquainted with. Its colour consists of dark green, reddisli, white and violet stripes and spots which are variegated like marble in a most elegant manner. The green yellow Caterpillar ÇA), is also beautifully pencilled with white spots and firipes; its neck is ornamented with eyes of bine and white. It lives as far as we know, only on the leaves of the common Rose-bay or Oleander, a shrub of 6 or 8 feet high, which grows wild in the Eafi Indies, but in Germany only thrivea in hot houses; on these shrubs sometimes in very hot fummers this caterpillar is found and efîeemed as a great curiofity; the Sphinx produced from it i» purchafed at a high price by the amateurs and reckoned to be a true ornament of their collection». The great Ghryfalis (E), which is of a light brown and yellow colour lies without being covered with any web or texture under ground., Fig. 2. The spotted-Elephant Sphinx. (Sphinx Euphorbiae.), The Caterpillar (a), is frequently met with in July and August on the gromwell-leaved fpurt*e (Euphorbia Efula), on which alone it livés. Its principal colour is black; on the back runs a red firipe, and the sides are marked with white spots in regulär rows. ê The Caterpillar as well as the Ghryfalis and the Sphinx itself are drawn after life in the an» nexed picture. Soon after its birth the caterpillar fpins itself into a fine web under a loofe ground and changes into the Ghryfalis (b), wich is of a grey-brown colour. The Ghryfalis remains the whole winter in its husk and it is only in the following fpring that the variegated Sphinx (V), iilues. Its upper wings are of a yellow and dark olivafier colour edged with a white border, the lower wings are pink -coloured, changing into black towards the root. In the month of June the spottetJ Eléphant Sphinx is found during twiligbt about the honey fuckle and other shrubs in flower. Fluttering it fucks with its fnout the juice of th