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 Die Ceder von Libanon

Beschreibungstext eng

Plants CVII. Vol. VI. No. 33., THE CEDAR OF LIBANON., The Cedar of Libanon (Pinus Cedro») be- an age of feveral hundred years. But fingle longs to the m oft beautiful trees, that areto Cedars are alfo now found in the gardens be feeu. Its large branches extend them- of England and France. The beautiful Cefelves like fans one over another, yielding dar of Libanon, here repreTented, is met coolnefs and fhade under their arch. The with in the garden of plants or Jardin des pointy leaves or needles fuck together in plantes at Paris, where it was planted in clufters. (a) The fruit or Cedar apple, drawn the year 1734. It forms a ftately tree, the (b) in its natural. greatnefs, and (c) in pro- ftock of which has the compafs of 8 Parifian ine, is perpendicularly fixt on the branche«, feet, and the arched branches form very pieThe wood is reddifh, odoriferous and fit for turesque groups. On that account the Cedar le lneft Joineries. — The Cedar is native merits to be planted as an ornament in the of th »Mount Libanon in Syria, it grows in Parks or gardens of pleafure. tne higher fnowy refiionSi where fc aUaifl