Der Löwen-Affe
Beschreibungstext eng
Quadrupeds LXXVI. Vol. VI. No. 36., THE LION-APE., Amon" the curiofities of nature ,' which The lion ape inhabits the plains at the the celebrated traveller Sir Alexander Hum- eaftern declivity of the Cordilleras in Southbold has brought us from South-America, America, efpecially the fertile fhores of there is alfo a nice little monkey, attain- Putumayo and Caqueté. But there too it ing the length of but 7 or 8 inches, and belongs to the fcarce animals, and Sir on account of its extraordinary likenofs to Alexander Humbold during his fojourn in the king of animals juftly call'd lion-ape. that country law only two individuals. Its mane and ftretched body is quite refem- They were kept in a cage and were very bling to the lion in miniature, but the fa- lively and merry; yet being provok'd they ce and the feet inftantly betray the gentle angrily briftled their mane. Till now nolittle monkey. The colour of the face is ne of thefe nice beafts has been carried to half black and balf white, and that of the Europe, remaining body yellowifh and olive-brown. «