Ad99999 06 008a/eng
Die Akanthusstaude
Beschreibungstext eng
Plants CV. Vol. VI. No. 6., BEAR'S BREECH., I he Bear's breech deferves our notice, be- permanent plant, growing wild in Sicily caute the most ancient greek and roman Ar- and in the lower parts of Italy. The leaves chitecture already adopted it's well fhaped (A) form a leafy rofe, out of which fhoots leaves as an ornament to the Capitals of the ftalk, 2 or 3 feet high, with violet and the columns, efpecially of the corinthick white bloffoms. order, and befides embellifhed them by regularity. The gothick as well as the modern Architecture has retain'd this decora- ^8- 2' The Brank - Urlili. ting plant. Till now we know. 14 fpecies, , , . (Acanthus fpinofus.) of bear's breech 5 but the two following ones J are preferably imitated in Architecture. This fpecies grows likewife upon humid, Fig. 1. The genuine bear's breech. (Acanthus mollis.), places in Italy. The leaf i, large and well {, rhaped; at the extremities of the liule lea The genuine or foft bear's breech is a, Fig. 2. The Brank-ursin. (Acanthus spinosus.), are pricks, as at the leaves of the thiftl