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Misc. Subj. CXX. Vol. VI. No. 73.  +, SCENES OF TAURIA, FORMERLY CALLED CRIMEA.  +, Fig. 1. Dance of the Dervis.  +, chpriest. The annexed table exhibits such chpriest. The annexed table exhibits such a scene in the same JDervis are mahometa n mendicant friar», manner as it is represented in the principilo partly live in convents, partly shift pal mosquey at Bakts chi-Sara.) in Tauria. about in the Orient, particulary in Turkey and Persia, preaching their faith and pia-and Persia, preaching their faith and pia-  +, Fig. 2. Buffoon in Crimea.  +  und ying many superstitious tricks and jugglesying many superstitious tricks and juggles, The present table exposes to sight a in order to deceive the people. Accor- jew of Constantinopolis, who, accompanied ding to a singular rite they assemble by a rattling musick of gipsies, is playing in a moschey, (mahometan church) eve- his legerdemain-tricks for the sport of so*y tuesday and friday, in the evening, me gentlemen, who are his spectators, where, in presense of other devouts, they The dance being finished, he has formed keep divine service, and then lead a dan- his garments like a puppet, fastened upon ce, which only consists in a rapid turning, a staff, on the left arm, with which he One after the other falls into a kind of keeps a foolish discourse. The dumb pupswoon, out of which he is directly rou- pet only answers by blow«, to the utsed by few words whispered into his ear most delight of the his ear most delight of the spectators.  +
eng  +
Zuletzt geändert„Zuletzt geändert <span style="font-size:small;">(Modification date)</span>“ ist ein softwareseitig fest definiertes Attribut, das das Datum der letzten Änderung einer Seite speichert. Es wird von <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a> zur Verfügung gestellt.
7. Dezember 2017, 12:20:32  +
Hat Abfrage„Hat Abfrage <span style="font-size:small;">(Has query)</span>“ ist ein softwareseitig fest definiertes Attribut, das die Metainformationen einer Abfrage als <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Subobjekt</a> speichert. Es wird von <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a> zur Verfügung gestellt.