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Liste der Ergebnisse
- Fig. 1. The Fast-indian Argus. +
- Fig. 2. The green-streak'd Westindian Swallow-tail. +
- Fig. 3. The American Fire-Spot. (Pap. Eq. H. Ricini.) +
- Fig. 4. The orange-colour'd wing of Surinam. +
- Fig. ure; only in the colouring it differs, being tinged with green and black ftieaks. +
- Fig. ured, like the three other, in natural fize. The ground of the wings is dark-brown with light- yellow fpots. The lower wings are adorn'd by a large eyefpot black and blue. +
- Insects XLVIII. Vol. VI. No. 11. +
- It diftinguifhes itfelf like the former by it's long but fmall wings, as alio by the long flender body. It's colouring conlifts of a pleafing variety of orange-tawny and brown. +
- J A beautiful diurnal butterfly, which is found in the East-Indies! It is here +
- The deep-red lower wings give it a lively appearance; on each of the brown upperwings we obferve two yellow fpots. +
- This exotick fcarce fwallow - tail of Surinam in America refembles ours in +