Semantische Suche

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Ad00341 05 042a/engMiscell. Subj. XCV. Vol. VI. No. 40.
Jlie Calmucks are a paEoTal people of the Mongolick race, inhabititig the middle and being Tiihject partly to the Ruffian, partly to the Chine.'e dominion. By their fiat Tentures they are disFig. ured, but are goodnatured, ducile and very bofpJM As a paftoral people they wander with iheir herds in the heaths of Afia from onepafinre to the other, wherefore both men and women from iheir youth live on horfes, their whole drefs being nrjufted to that end. Their hulnunun are funnel-like tents of felt, with W1&14 Vlhen thcy renjove> flJnip. ters are bfcargétf. ],;,. , we ^^ ifae camp of iuch a horde of CrtW flJnip. ters are bfcargétf. ],;,. , we ^^ ifae camp of iuch a horde of CrtW, v.h in the foreground the migration begins. On the left one perceives the lomb of one of their Lamas or priefts. The wealth of the Calmucks confifts of their herds of horfes, oxen, cows and fheep. Fig. 2. exhibits us an hufbandry of Calmucks. On both fides of the great tent of felt girls are bufied with milking the mares and cows. In the middle we fee a Calmuck woman dreffing a /kin; near her /lands a lad with the horfe, holding a long 1'taff with thenoofe, by means of which the wild horfes are caught. In the fore-ground feveral Calmucks play at chefs, the favorite play of this people. ere
Ad00341 05 043a/engBirds LXXVII. Vol. VI. No. 41.
The Casuar of New- Holland was but lately the forepart of the neck a great whitifh roll, difcover'd on that great Archipel of the South- Tho' it cannot fly, yet it runs with extraorfea, and the neweft French voyage of difco- dinary quicknefs, and on account of its wildvery gives us the following excellent picture nefs is difficult to be tam'd. Its flefh being of it. This Cafuar confiderably differs from favoury, it is hunted; the eggs too are enthe Afiatick, which we became acquainted joyd. The young ones in the firft month of with Vol. I. No. 3. of our Gallery. The Ca- their age are brown, with white ftreaks, as Juar of New- Holland (Cafuarius novae Hoi- we fee them here depicted before their molandiae) has a length of 7 feet, being coverd ther (Fig. 2.) The next month they become all-over with grey-brown long briftly fea- quite grey. The Cafuar of New-Holland as theirs, which in the male (Fig. 1.) form in well as the Afiatick feeds upon vegetables.
Ad00341 05 044a/engPlants CIX. Vol. VI.No. 42.
The Pi.anibuftan or hairy fruit (Nephelium broken up, one-finds (a) five kernels near one echinatum) grows in Java, Sumatra and in anotlier vertically converging in a center, the Molucky Islands on a highgrown tree, furroundecl with a fweetifh pappy Cr.bftance, much refembling to our chefnut-tree. From and inclore.d in.a whitilo fki'n. The Rarnbw the bloffoiTiS, which only appear like green little flan fruit ripens at the fame time with the buds, the fruit unfolds itself, being of the big- Mangufuna, that we have feen depicted nefs of a walnutand allovei cover'd with hairs. (Tab. 24.); it is for its cooling quality a beThis exterior covering is at firic green, after- loved meat in the Indies, wards it becomes deep orange-tawny. Being
Ad00341 05 045a/engAmphibia. XXIV. Vol. VI. No. 43.
The Seals are known to be a species of suck- ver'd an uncommonly great species , the Proina animals, that commonly live in the fea, bofcis - Seal (Phoca probofcidea) that attaint difadvamageoutly diftinguifhing therr.Ielves to a length of 35 till 30 feet, which we fee by their ugly, deformed body. They are here leverai imaged of. The upperpart of ready fwimmers, yet they often emerge on the fnout of this miffhapen beaft protracts itthe fea-fhore; their food confifts of, felf into a fort of probofcis, that has given maritime animals and fea - weeds. At the the name to this kind of feals. At a diftance coafts of New-Holland, efpecially near Kings- we perceive fome of them in an upright poIsland, the neweft French travellers disco- sture, just when they aie chased.
Ad00341 05 046a/engInsects LI. Vol. VI. No. 44.
Fig. 1. The Matron. (Phalaena bombyx matronula.)
This beautiful phalaena arises from a roughhaired caterpillar, which is met with on several plants. The butterfly has umberbrown «pperwings with yellow spots. The yellow underwings are blackstain'd. The big body «rcadet red with black crofs-bands.
Fig. 2. The vary-coloured Phalaena. (Phalaena bombyx versicolor.)
It belong in r>" »oths diftiagui;hi Gennan>- to the «««• wi,gS agreeably r.^f. b/ the "^1" low and brown hues VU ^*' **
" »oths diftiagui;hi Gennan>- to the «««• wi,gS agreeably r.^f. b/ the "^1" low and brown hues VU ^*' **
- to the «««• wi,gS agreeably r.^f. b/ the "^1" low and brown hues VU ^*' **
Fig. 3. The drone-wanderer. (Sphinx fuciformis.)
■"« Sphin, (b. e,) refembleS) atthe firfi Fig. ht, our common drone, whence it has got its name. It proceeds from a great green caterpillar, and flies at broad daylight humming, about many flowers.
Fig. 4. The Diana.
A beautiful phalaena, which is likewife pretty rare, and whose upperwings, are green, white and black-marbled.
Fig. 5. The Widow. (Phalaena bombyx Hebe.)
The white upperwings are adorn'd by black crofs-bands with an orange- tawny border. The fcarlet underwings give to this Phalaena a gorgeous appearance.
Ad00341 05 047a/engMiscell. Subj. XCVI. VoI. VI. No. 45
A here is no doubt, that the man, whose ingenuity did so many things contrive, has often conceiv'd the thought of imitating the flight of birds by artificial wings, in order to soar with easinefs into the immense spaces of the air. Now a skilful watch maker at Vienna, Mr. James Dcgen has latelymade lucky attempts to rise up to the air by means of artificial wings. This artificer with his flying machine we see here (Fig.. I.) imaged. Mr. Drgcn namely construed to himself two wings in the form of a heart (of which Fig.. 2. gives the sight from above) of fine paper imbih'd with varnish, that have a surface of [16 square- feet ; and a length of 10 feet. For elasticity's sake the artificer ran ihrough the whole with itreaki of reed, combin'd by silken strings. The body of the fl\ing man standi tiprigh-, as we see, between the wings, being by several bamboos (aa) united with the machine. The hands (bh) are moving the crooked pole, by which the clap of the wings in horizontal direction up and down is brought about. The first attempt was made by Mr. Dcgen in the spring 1808. in lhe ridinghouse at Vienna, where he by means of a counter-balance, fasten'd by a string (d) rose to a height ol 54 feet. In order to repeat his experiments in the free air, Mr. Degen combin'd a small air-balloon with his machine, and thus on the 12'1' and 15th of Nuvhr. he took his flight in the Prater near Vienna repeatedly in different directions in the air 10 the surprise ol all the Ctatort, and came tnhuit back again. These experiments yielded to the artificer of IO,(XiO imperial florins.
Ad00341 05 048a/engMiscell. Subj. XCVII. Vol. VI. No. 46.
The Pic of Teneriffa.
Among the Canary Islands, situate westward from North-Africa in the Atlantic Ocean, that of Teneriffa distinguishes itself by its lofty, pointed mountain or Pico de Teyde. It is elevated 12,420 feet above the surface of the Sea; we behold it here represented from the Sea-side or the bay of Santa Cruz. The city of Santa Cruz lies before us on the Sea-shore.
The Pic is situated towards the Southpart of the Island. Its summit ist naked, where a great volcanic Crater appears, surrounded with more than 70 little ones on the different lava-beds. The lava covers the top of the Pic; the nether regions are cover'd with pumice. This Vulcano upon Teneriffa is not yet extinguish’d, but sulphureous steams are almost perpetually amending from it. The last great eruption of uncommon violence happen'd in the year 1707.
Since almost all ships, bound for the East-Indies, are landing at Teneriffa; this Pic, just now described by us, is universally known, having been mounted by many European travellers.
Ad00341 05 049a/engMiscell Subjects. XCVIII. Vol. VI. No. 47.
The inhabitants of Cochinthina on the east- This they did to the honour of the first accoaft of Asia are very fond of fpectacles, mu- treft, who on the left was there leated at fick and dance. Their companies of players, fpectatrefs in the dref« of an old queen. The that ate fent for in the houfes, give hiftori- three girls held an eafy dialogue, which wai cal reprefentations, operas and dances, which interrupted by merry airs. Their fong wat tre accompanied by a noisy mufick of trum- fbrieking, yet they pretty well kept time, pets, kettle-drums, and caftanett. The whole wat accompanied by mufick and The Englifsh Embaffador, Lord Macart- dance; thus opera and ballet were join'd tone/, when he on his embally in the year pether. An old man, drefi'd like a buffoon, 1792 alfo was in Cochinchina, faw the folio- «pproach'd now and then to the girls, perforwing reprefentation. In the interior part of ming feveral buffooneries. In this manner it an edifice a folemn opera with chorus's was continued a confidprable time. During this given by a company of players. During the interlude fofter mufick was heard, at laft the firft theatrical reprefentation, the noify juft noify inftruments founded again. As a Fig. n now mention'd inftruments, made a hideout of applaufe the numerous affembly of (pectanoife. Upon this follow'd an interlude, very tors threw from time to time copper-money agreeably reprefented by three young girls, to the players.
Ad00341 05 050a/engMiscell. Subjects. XCIX. Vol. VI. No. 48.
In Otdet to immortalize the ac,;ms of Heroes, the ancient Remans conftructeil to the honour of the victora trimr arches of uncommon magnificence, aiicru'd with ike fiuefi Lculptnxtt. In the modern Rome there are hill extant feveral of Rich triumph«! arches. One of the most intire is here represented, which hands in the firft quarter of Rome between the Monte Celio and Monte Palatino. It was erected to the honour of the Emperor Conßantin the great, when he in the year 31J C. n. had vanquirird Maxentius. Tins iriun Arch of marble his a large patfage, and two lif.le ones, and is adorn'd with 20 great baffo - relievo's of fculpture. On each oi the long fides ftand upon 4 corinthian columns, ftatues of yellow marble (giallo antico), reprefenting Dacians. Thefe as well as the most carvings of this triumphal arch were taken from earlier monuments of the Emperor Trajan, and have a relation e victory of him over the Dacians. Orer the middle arch hands a latin infeription, by which this triumphal arch is con. lecrated to the Emperor Conftantine. Sia« ce the inferior part by little and little was crumbled down, tha prefent Pope Piut VII. order'.I in the year 1805, to dig out the whole bafii and to fcreen it for the future by an incompufiing. j) In the background one perceive« a part of the ColiJeum. 3)
Ad00341 05 051a/engMiscell. Subj. C. Vol. VI. No. 49.
Si«c Itnlbn miles from Florence on the declivity of ihe mountain Settario lies the remarkajbht palace of Pratolino with its a table garden. It belong'd to thè Grind-duke? oi Tofcanâ, but now it i» almtf; ir.thely decayed. The Pratolino was confuucted 1569 under Francis, a fon of Cosinus de' Medicit by the Ikilful architect Bi/mitu'cnti. Nature and art united themselves, to form out of it an lite banting refideaca. Atnongß other one conici to a place, round incloled with thick treei. Ueie rifes over a bafia full of cle*r and limpid water the colofTal ftatue of the God Apennin, which being raifed would be about 100 feet h With one hand the god repofes on the rock, with the other he feems to prefs the head of a fea-monfter, from whose ja>vs a jet of water is gufhing out. The whole ftatue is conlirucled of Itone and brick, and over-la\'d with mortar. Inwardly it is hollow, and one finis in the head a pretty little :.ber, where the windows open themfalves in the eye-balls.
Ad00341 05 052a/engMisc. Subj. CI. Vol. VI. No. 50.
The Booshuana's, who inhabit the Interior Here lives the proper family. This inner of Soutb.-rn Africa, are of the fame race of apartment is enclofed by a gallery [upported people as the Hottentots, who, however, on trunks of the Mimol'a, whore the fervents differ fromibeminmanyrefpects. The Dutch, and flaves take their nightly reft. The poinbut ten ye.irs fince, gave us more exact ted tent- ihaped roof is thatched with reeds, accounts of ihem from the Cape of Good overshadowing likewise the outer gallery, Hope. They are a half civilized people that which gives to the whole a very beautiful applies himfeif to cattle-breeding, hunting appearance. The corn is contained in coand agriculture. Their villages confift of nical granaries, from fix to nine feet high, dwelling-houfes as we fee reprelented in the whereof we fee one reprefented in the anannexed view. Thefe cottages are built in the nexed engraving. The agriculture is perfollowing manner. The inner apartment is formed by the women, and the men emfurroundid with a wall of clay interwoven ploy their time in hunting and caule-breewith branches wherein there is a narrow door. ding. —
Ad00341 05 053a/engMiscell. Subj. CII. Vol. VI. Nr. 51.
The Schulerloch in Bavaria.
cave is aloft in the rocky mountain, and at the beginning very painful. But the unwealn the large caves of chalk-mountains the ried traveller is sufficiently rewarded by the water impregnated with dissolved chalk-par- magnificent rocky hall, that we see here tides forms, as we know, the stalactites, imaged. As to a Gothic dome the pointed which lines the interior walls of arches vault themselves, partly reposing under various Fig. ures, and makes them curious as upon columns on the stalactite-tenon«, objects of nature. Such a remarkable cave, which reach to the ground, forming in this call'd thfl. Sek derloch, we see here repre- manner several passages, where the eye of sented. It is m t wiih in the chalk-mountain the beholder, deceiv'd by the light of the near the river AlfMÜkl i" BV.-aria, below flambeaux, presumes to perceive altar« and the village Alt-Es.ung. The entrance to this other decorations ol a church.
Ad00341 05 054a/engMiscell. Subj. Vol. VI. No. 52.
The adjoined table exhibits again one of those remarkable monuments, which gratitude, but not seldom also flattery of the ancient Ro7)ians, erected to their victorious Heroes, namely a triumphal Arch, dedicated to the Emperor Sepiimius Severus on account of his victories over the Parthians, Arabians and. other nations. It is pretty well preserv'd, and still to be seen at Rome behind the Capitolium, clean'd from the rubbish and surrounded with a rampart. (1) Fig.. I, represents the principal side with its four beautiful columns and three vaulted passages, which in the midst are join'd together by two bows. Over the principal bow appear two beautiful Fig. ures of the goddefs of Fame. Over the smaller side-bows are the actions of the triumphant Emperor represented, in bas-relief. In the Attica one reads both upon the fore-and backside the dedicatory inscription, in which the successor too of the said Emperor is mention'd. The ingraved letters were formerly inlay'd with gilt bronze, which afterwards has been purloin'd. The whole terminates with a Platform; one gets up to in the inside upon a 'pair of stairs, and where at that time the triumphal cart of the victor with soldiers at his side stood ingraved in stone. Fig.. II. exhibits one of the by-Sides of this triumphal arch, both of which, except the columns and the cornice, are void of all other ornaments. The whole stately building is constructed with white marble.
Ad00341 05 055a/engInsects LII. Vol. VI. No. 53.
Fig. 1. The Wood-pecker. (Phalaena Bombyx Dominula.)
Fig. 2. The purple-bear. (Phalaena Bombyx purpurea.)
Fig. 3. The lime-tree Spinner. (Phalaena Bombyx Bucephala.)
The checkered grown up caterpillar (B) g->. of this nocturnal butterfly common in Germai* n account of the dark - green ground-co- ny) feeds indeed upon the leaves of different lour of the fore-wings, and the white and tree», hut preferably likes those of the limeorangetawny spots of different Fig. ure on them \xee. It is but little hairy, in the earliest elegantly contrasting, likewise on account youth quite black, and but by deajees, alter of the deep- vermilion hind-wings, being having cast off several times its nein, becoadorn'd with black fillets and points of a mes more and more yellow. The winged Inbluish cast, this- nocturnal butterfly justly $ect (A) wears also the name of ox - head ani wears the name of wood pecker. Though the grafs-head from its big head half concealed hlack yellow - sutak'd hairy caterpillar (25) under the longhairy neck-hand; and from feeds upon the leaves of 'lifferent trees, yet tne large yellowish stains on the tips of the it preferably likes those of the hound's ton- fore-wings the name of the half-moon. The g'ie (cMiop'os.-um vulgare); wherefore the caterpillar changes into a chrysalis under the nocturnal butterfly is call'd too the hound's earth, where it only constructs a cave, withspinner. Several bright out lining it with a web.
. of this nocturnal butterfly common in Germai* n account of the dark - green ground-co- ny) feeds indeed upon the leaves of different lour of the fore-wings, and the white and tree», hut preferably likes those of the limeorangetawny spots of different Fig. ure on them \xee. It is but little hairy, in the earliest elegantly contrasting, likewise on account youth quite black, and but by deajees, alter of the deep- vermilion hind-wings, being having cast off several times its nein, becoadorn'd with black fillets and points of a mes more and more yellow. The winged Inbluish cast, this- nocturnal butterfly justly $ect (A) wears also the name of ox - head ani wears the name of wood pecker. Though the grafs-head from its big head half concealed hlack yellow - sutak'd hairy caterpillar (25) under the longhairy neck-hand; and from feeds upon the leaves of 'lifferent trees, yet tne large yellowish stains on the tips of the it preferably likes those of the hound's ton- fore-wings the name of the half-moon. The g'ie (cMiop'os.-um vulgare); wherefore the caterpillar changes into a chrysalis under the nocturnal butterfly is call'd too the hound's earth, where it only constructs a cave, withspinner. Several bright out lining it with a web.
Fig. 4. The Geometer of the alder. (Phalaena Geometra alniaria.)
tongue chrysalides (C; lie commonly imulv'd together within a white thin web, which several caterpillars, before they change into a chrysalis, in community spin. The caterpillars (b) of the family, ta which this Geometer belongs, intirely have the Fig. ure of dry little branches, especially when the caterpillar quietly sits erect on its hindpart. Being furnish'd only in the forepart This nocturnal butterfly much esteem'd and behind with a few pairs of feet, but with hy the lovers of butterflies, which is not to none in the midst of the body, it does not he found in every country, (a) has got the creep with all the parts of the body moving name of purple-bear from its bimiingred forwards, but in a bending manner, forming hinclwings, adorn'd with large, black spots bows, from whence the name of Geometer, of a blui'h cast highly contrasting. The mild- (Geometra). It preferably likes to eat the ly yellow fore-wings wear various little brow- leaves of the alder, without despising those nish stains, among which one resembles the of other trees. The butterfly (a) pleases more Fig. ure of a, latin S, wherefore the insect has on account of the wings elegantly cut out bealso got the name of yellow S bear. The ca- hind, than of the simple colour. The chanterpillar (b) belongs on account of its hair- ging of the caterpillar into a chrysalis protufts often fox-coloured to the bear-caterpil- ceeds on the trees, where it between leaves lars, and therefore the butterflies arising from spins a case from long threads, within which it are cali'd bears. The darkbrown chrysalis it casts off its last skin of caterpillar, appea(c) is naturally swrrounded by a delicate web. ring as a greenish- white chrysalis (c)
Ad00341 05 056a/engMiscell. Subj. CIV. Vol. V. No. 54.
Nr. 1. The Great-Glöckner.
enchanting prospect over the Alps of Carinthiaanrf Styria,1 and at a further distance one The Great-Glöckner, we view here. repre- surveys Tyrol with the rivers Inn and Drau, sented, which is denominated from its bell- ^r- Schuhes, Professor at Inspruck, has like Fig. ure, rises 12,000 feet over the surface given us an excellent description of the travel of the sea, heing the loftiest of the moun- t0 the Glockner. tains of Salzburg, where it borders upon Carinthia and Tyrol. Its highest top was hut j
Fig. 2. The Snow-mountain.
in modern times ascended; this undertook for the benefit of natural, philosophy the The Snow mountain, the summit of which bishop ofGuik, aprinceof Salm-Reifer scheid, and North-Side through the whole year is with several distinguished scholars. For the cover'd with snow, as its name denotes, is conveniency of later travellers the worthy situated 9 leagues from Vienna in Netherhishop order'd several houses to be built for Austria near the frontier of Styria. Tho' a shelter. The first and largest, that we see notsohigh, astheformer, however its height here copied, is call'd Salm's hoehe. From amounts to 6600 feet above the surface of the hence one cannot proceed but on foot over sea; thus it is f higher, than the famous rocky gulfs and Snow - fields, which often is Snow-top in Silesia. The way thither leads very dangerous. ' Up to the summit of the through varied interesting situations, and Glöckner, divided again into two points, one the summit may be ascended without danger. leckuns 6 leagues. On the highest top, which From hence one surveys a delightful landscaholds no more than 6 — 8 persons, there is pe as far as Vienna. In serene weather there at present an ironcrofs 12 feet high erected, appears the harbour of Triest, even at a far Heie;one enjoys in clear weather the most distance, as a fine Silver-ribband.
Ad00341 05 057a/engPlants. CX. Vol. VI. No. 55.
1 he Cerei, being met with in European hot-houses, originally come from the warmer countries of South - America and from the Islands situated between the tropics next to America. They are all together juicy pulpous plants, drawing their moisture and nourishment more from the air, than from the soil, and thriving therefore in the hottest climates upon the driest sand or stony ground. These plants commonly have no peculiar leaves, hut only consist of stocks and branches, which in the different species are of a different, but always thoroughly uniform Fig. ure, partly composed of mere leaf-like members, now of such as are cylindrical, now more or Ids angular longish ones, beset with tufts of pricks. Such, an uniformity of stocks and branches serves the more to set of the beautiful structure and colour of the flowers, which commonly but after sun - setting only once open, and a few hours past again are for ever closed. The fruits of this plant resemble to the Fig. s, are eatable and of an agreeable sourish flavour.
On the present table appears represented
The common Melon thistle. (Cactus Melocactus)
The members of the stock are of the bignè fs of a human head, and of a melon - like Fig. ure, furrovv'd all-around from above till below, so that many — commonly 14 high ribs or edges appear, armed on their back with tufts of pricks. When the plant is preparing to produce flowers or fruits, it pushes forth at the upper part a cylindrical high and big shaft hairy and prickly; and out of this issue allaround, but most frequently at the top many flowers, at first rose-coloured, at last reddening like" a cochineal. Each of these flowers is round-about seated upon a fruit- knot, that afterwards unfolds itself to a Fig. like deep cochinealred pulpous fruit, upon which the withered flower sitting preserves itself.
Ad00341 05 058a/engMiscell. Subj. CV. Vol. VI. No. 56.
he South - African nation of the Caffers, half savages, who not seldom are engaged in calFd the Beetshuans, (also Bushwens) bloody quarrels with their neighbours, whose habitations and manner of living we The young woman, here sitting, with became already acquainted with (by the whom the young man holds a conversation, number CX. of this vol.) are on the present has decently cover'd her belly with aprons table represented still more characteristical- of leather, forming a sort of little pettily according to the colour of their body and coat. Several women wear too short cloaks, their Fig. ure. We perceive upon it a young The woman here pictured smokes tobacco, man and a young woman. The man has the smoke of which she at her ease sips out adorn'd his head with feathers, wears trian- of a hollow pot filPd with water, in which guhtr pendants, and his nakednefs is cover'd a wooden tobacco-pipe-tube is with the head with a long cloak of skins of beasts, and above join'd. Near her lies her felling-ax, with a liule apron; on his arm hangs a the felling of wood being here a principal sort of liule basket or rather little bag, and occupation of women. Besides do we perin his hands he holds Hâssagajens or jave- ceive some kitchen-furniture, standing upon lins, the usual weapons of these warlike the earth.
Ad00341 05 059a/engMiscell. Subj. CVI. Vol. VI. No. 57.
To the most remarkable and magnificent the hest preserv'd sides, four storiei high, remains of ancient Roman Architecture be- each adorn'd with a colonnade. lonr0ç t o o t h e A m p h i t h e a t r e s p a ilt l y sJt il l e x - T, . I t i s, , a s t h, e p l a n". F iTgTli, s h, o w s, a n O~ v a, l. tant. Among those, that at prre s e n t a r e t o T I.un t h e m-i i d s t« o■f• i t •i s t hue o p e n fri g1h t•i n g - p 1lace, be seen at Rome more or lefs mutilated,', tvh e A. r e n a (,a x), w hue r e m e n m u s tI fri-g uh.t w -i.tuh the most beautiful and largest is that, of men or whh wUd beang for the aniusemerit which the table here adjoined exhibit, a and diversion of the many thousand gpec. representation. It was constructed by the tators> who found piace all - around in the Roman Emperor Flavius Vespasianus two massive building. Round about this Fig. htyears after the subversion of Jerusalem, and ingplace beiow runs a Gallery with steps has been preserv'd for the greatest part till ^ under which are tlle caveS(where the our times. For what now is deficient in it, wild beasU vvere kept> Four principal enhas not been mutilated and robb'd by time, u.;es (e) led int0 the building and to the but by men. Fig. hting-place; through four other ones (c) It is a prodigious building, of which one came to the upper stories and through we view under Fig.. I, on our Table one of as many to the inferior ones.
Ad00341 05 060a/engPlants CXI. Vol. VI. No. 58.
The wide-around creeping members of the itself at last a superb flower, that at the «nd stock and branches of ibis plant remarkable ofJilny or at the beginning of July after sunon account of its noble flower reach a length setting but once fully opens aud before sunof three till six feet with a bignefs of two rising is again shut and withering. Our reinches at the most. They are cylindrical, presentation shows the Fig. ure and colour of yet become at each end somewhat thinner, this noble flower, exhaling sweet aromatick and commonly show six prominent ribs, ar- frag ran cy ; but in nature it sometimes promed with yellowish tufts of pricks. The in- ves to be still greater in vigorous plants, terior mafs is pulpous and juicy. From many The fruit-knot ripens within a year to a conof these tufts of pricks ifsue yearly in the siderable pear like juicy fruit of an agreeaspring on the sides of the branches single ble sourish flavour; it is all around beset with fruit-knots beset with scales and bushes of scaly little red bunches shifting into an oranhair. These improve at the upper part into ge-tawny colour. This plant is met with in a calix about six inches long outwards like- great hot-houses; but it is native in Southwise scaly and hair'd; and out of this forms America, Jamaica and St. Domingo.
Ad00341 05 061a/engMiscell. Subj. CVII. Vol. VI. No. 59.
T-Mie Hindoos, inhabitants of the middle large window, illuminatedby Lamps on festival Asia are a most remarkable people by their days in the night. Before the Pagod one manners and customs, by the high antiquity beholds a great lake for bathing, since the of their religion, which has given rise to all Hindoos bathe themselves each day, looking the. other religious opinions of the different upon this as a religious action. On the other countries. The supreme being they represent side of the lake, we nerceive an open buildtormlefs and symbolically only by a globe, ing supported by columns, call'd Shultri, supposing it to bave created three superior being a harbour or a shelter for strangers', Mods, Brama, Wishnu and Sliiven. JVishnw where they may pafs the night without paying is the preserver, Shiven the destroyer of what ftfr it. Such Shultris are frequently met is preservai, and to them the Hindoos-build with in the East Indies.— The most con vetemples or Pagods, as we see imaged in this nient way of travelling in this country is in 0. No. 19 and on the present table, a Palanquin or a litter, which being overOver the principal doors of this Pagod rises spread with a cloth is carried by four hired a spire of several stories. Each story has a Hindoos.
Miscell. CVII. Tom. VI. No. 59.
vJli Hindui, abitanti dell' Asia interiore, quali ciascuno è adorno d'una gran finestra sono assai famosi pe' loro costumi e per l'an- illuminata di notte con delle lampade in giorni -tichità de'la di loro religióne, secondo la di festa. Avanti al pagode vedesi un gran quale tutti gli altri pareri e sentenze de' dif- vivajo da bagno, gli Hindui bagnandosi ferenti paesi, in materia di religione, a poco tutti i giorni e credendolo un' azione relia poco si conformarono. Il simbolo dell' giosa. Al di là della riva ci si rappresenta Essere supremo, che rappresentano senza un' abitazione aperta sostenuta da colonne, Fig. ura, consiste in un globo. Da esso trassero che chiamasi Schultri, la quale serve di ricol'oxiginei tre Dei superiori: Brama, Vischnu vero a' peregrini, dove si può pernottare e Schiven. — Vischnu é il conservatore, libero d'ogni spesa. Cosi fatti Schultri si Schiven il distruttore del conservato, a'quali ritrovano spesse volte all' Indie orientali.— gli Hindui erigono de' tempj o d' pagodi, Il modo il più commodo di viaggiare in questo donde il ritratto verlesi in No. 19 del tomo paese si fa col mezzo del palanchino o della sesto e nella tavola qui aggiunta. Al dissopra seggetta, la quale, ricoperta d'un panno, della porta maestra s'innalza una torre in viene portata da quattro Hindui mercenarj. forma di piramide di più compartimenti,
Ad00341 05 062a/engMiscell. Subj. CVIII. Vol. VI. No. 60.
The plate hereto belonging exhibits two dif- which they drink with or without milk, and ferent sorts of the most beloved advertisements Prussian ginger- bread, ef the Russian people, viz:
Fig. 1. The mountains of ice,
Fig. 2. Russian Swings,
which are wooden scaffolds, about 13 yards of two different sorts. The one (i) is like a high (i), one side of which has a wooden slo- carousal or running at the ring, except, that penefs, that is cover'd with pieces of ice, and instead of being horizontal, it is perpendiiprinkled with water, on which the lovers, cular. The lovers of the swing are seated being always numerous, or seated on little in chairs, fasten'd on an axle-tree, which sledges, or standing on skates, with such vio- are driven about by means of a wheel or lence slide down, that they continue gliding only with the hands. The other (2) is a on the icy way prepar'd below. Such artifi- swing for 8 sitting persons, that are put in cial mountains of ice are every year in the motion byr 2 standing ones. Such swings are carnival's week constructed at St. Petersbourg raised in the Easterwetk on publick places, upon or near the Newa, [we view here over Those, which we here view, stand upon the against the Atademy of sciences (3) with an place before the stony theatre at Si. Peters* other Palace (4)] and much frequented, whe- bourg, where also brandy tents (3) are pitre spectators are never wanting. Here are ched, and soldiers of the police posted, to people too, who sell refreshments, as a sort prevent disorders or to appease them by meof mead, composed of sugar and pepper, ans of the fire-engine, which here appeart.
Ad00341 05 063a/engAmphibious animals. XXV. Vol. VI.No. 61.
Among the animals discover'«! in modern diles, viz. the Caiman and the Crocodile of St. times is also to be reckon'd the Crocodile of Domingo. The last entirely differs from the St. Domingo, of which we first were nearer Caiman, with regard to the bignefs and by jnform'd by the french General Ledere, who other qualities, more resembling to the great sent a couple of them to France for the natu- Nile-Crocodile, so that at first it was thought ralists there. Hitherto they imagin'd, that to be one and the same species with this. America possess'd but one species of Cfoco- Yet more accurate researches have sufficientdile, the Caiman, which we see the draught ly evinced the difference, of in the IV. Vol. No. 14. of our gallery. However that, which was discover'd at St. Do- Fig.. II. represents the siculi of a Nilemingo, and here is represented, exhibits a Crocodile, with gaping jaws, where the lar5econd, new and quite different species, so ge murderous teeth of this terrible animal that we at present know two American Croco- are more distinctly to be seen.
Ad00341 05 064a/engPlants. CXII. Vol. VI. No. 62.
We already know several beautiful species This Cactus flourishes in the summer, of the Cactus, which are native in South- and bears the next spring ripe grains of seed. America. The present table represents us Its native country are the Islands of Souththe Cactus mamillaris, a very fine plant, America, where it grows in the crevices of depicted in its natural greatnefs. \\ shows rocks. Yet long ago it is also found in the on its surface a great many longish semi- botanic gardens of Europe, but where it must globes with yellowish blossoms. The red be kept through the whole year in the hotfruit form'd like a pear has within a yellowish house. It is encreased or by grains of. seed flesh. It is of an agreeable sweetish savour, or by the upper part, that is cut off, of the and is eaten by the Indians. plant.
Ad00341 05 065a/engMiscell. Subj. CIX. Vol. VI. No. 63.
A few years ago a scientifical landlord in France, whose name is Lavalette, discover'd at the clearing of a fountain in his garden, but 5 feet deep, under the surface of the earth, an upper end of two feet, of an Elephant's tooth, all-over surrounded with tophus. A part of it we view here represented, the ivory was, besides the exterior crust, still perfectly useful. It is one of the most remarkable things of the earlier history of our globe, that not only in Germany, but almost in all parts of Europe and Asia, as far as Siberia, skeletons and teeth of Elephants, which already peopled our earth, before men existed, at a small depth under the surface of the earth, are dug out. It is now by the knowledge of comparative Anatomy evinced, that these dug out skeletons belong neither to the African nor Asiatic Elephant,, the two only yet living kinds of this animal. But these remains of bones come from the Elephant of the primitive world, of which till now no living tracé has been found. The more ample explanation of this interesting matter will be found in the commentary upon this Number.
Ad00341 05 066a/engMiscell. Subj. CX. Vol. VI. No. 64.
This remarkable cave is found on. AntiParos, a small and insignificant Island in the Greek Archipelago.. In ancient times this grotto was unknown, and in the later ones it was first visited in the year 1673 by Mr. de Nointel, french Ambassador at Constantinople, who with a considerable retinue pafs'd the Christmafsdays in that grotto.
Fig. 1. The entry to the cave.
The superior entry to the cave forms a vault of rock, where at the left side an opening leads down, to which the visiters arrive, by letting down themselves by means of a rope, they wind around the natural pillar of rock.. Lighted torches are highly necessary to dispel the obscurity.
Fig. 2. The interior view of the cave.
The visiters, when they are got down from above the first precipice, come to several slopes, which on account of the deep caverns that lie on the right, partly are not without danger. More frequently the travellers by means of ropes must be let down considerable rocky walls; yet the danger being past, the courageous is rewarded by a sight so much the more brilliant. For at last one comes to the hall of rock represented Fig.. II. where one clearly perceives, that the whole grotto was form'd by stalactites. The most splendid stalactites - points hang down from the vault of the cave, and rise from the ground. A large mafs of stalactites forms in the middle an elevation. Here it was, where Mr. de Nointel on Christmafsday 1673 order'd to say mafs, wherefore this spot since that time is call'd the altar.
Ad00341 05 067a/engMiscell. Subj. CXI. Vol. VI. No. 65.
How great and admirable does not appear the pith by drying up withdraws itself still the wisdom of the Creator in the meanest plant more and more. The cellular pith is suritself, when we behold it magnifie'd by rounded, as with a ring, with the proper means of the microscope. The simple crofs stalk of plant, which shows, when cutted cut (A.) through a common welted thistle through, many round larger and lesser ope(Carduus acanthoides) shows magnifie'd (B.) nings for the circulation of the sap, Exter« the most artificial composition of its shape, nally we see the magnifie'd hairs of the exteThe interior pith consists of a texture of nice rior stalk of the thistle, like tassels hanging hexagonal cells, through which the sap of down, which likewise attract from without nourishment rises and distributes itself. In the moisture, and thus help to nourish the the midst a great opening pervades the whole plant, stalk, which increases with the age, when
Ad00341 05 068a/engMiscell. Subj. CXII. Vol. VI. No. 66
Jo the most beautiful remains of ancient Ro- over a part of Rome. The outside of the man architecture belongs the glorious manu- column is adorn'd with the most exquisite ment still existing at Rjme, which the Emperor sculptures, in bafs - relief, spirally running Hadrian, in the name of the Roman people, around the whole. They refer to the actions erected to the honour of his great antecessor, oiTrajan, chiefly to the vanquishing of the the Emperor Trajan, on the magnificent mar- Dacians, which is exprefs'd by more than ket-place or Forum, constructed by the last. 1500 entire and half Fig. ures. At first stood This column, raised by the famous archi- on this column the bronce-statue of Trajan tect, Jpollodorus, is without including the that in the subsequent time was destroy'd. pedestal (of 17 feet) 118 feet high, and com- Therefore the Pope Sixtus V. commanded in posed of 34 large marble - blocks. Inwardly the year 1539 to erect upon it the colossal it is hollow; on 185 marble-steps one gets statue of the Apostle Ptter, still extant, as to the uppermost plate of the chapiter, from we see the whole here represented, whence one enjoys an enchanting prospect
Ad00341 05 069a/engPlants. CXIII. Vol. VI. No. 67.
Between a thin-slaty sort of stone near the those in yon country. Consequently these castle Rauche -sauve, not far from the bo- leaves at present petrified and inclosed betrough Chaumerac in the Department de 1'Ar- ween beds of stone originate from plants, deche in France one finds at the digging which formerly a thousand years ago grew in and breaking asunder of the thin beds of that country, in the mean time that thos. stone a great many forms of leaves half beds of stone form'd themselves, but now are burnt to coals, half petrified, which hardly not met with among the flourishing plants, now and then, mostly not at all are found neither in that country, nor elsewhere in far exactly agreeing with leaves of plants, that distant lands of other zones, at present appear upon earth, still lefs with
Ad00341 05 070a/engMiscell. Subj. CXIV. Vol. VI. No. 68.
Our young readers have already often heard Who first applies all the 21 bowls, has won. of the unhappy Negros in Africa, whom the This play is said to be more difficult, than prejudice of Europeans places on the lowest our game at draughts, and one sees in Africa step of culture, almost level to the beasts, young Negro-women from their early youth treating them as slaves in the most unhuman sitting alone, and by meditation exercising manner. However these despised black men themselves in this play. of Africa have also higher dispositions of In the background we view a proof of mind, as the present plate will show us. In the corporal addrefs, viz-the manner, in the foreground sits under a Bananatree a which the Negro-Slaves fetch down the juice joung Negro-woman, meditating upon the got in bottles by incisions in the palm trees, play of Uri so much belov'd by them. This or the palm-wine. The Negro-Slave slings a play consists of a cliest divided into many circle of bark around himself and the palm, compartments, where two female players, and shoving forward this circle over the each with 2r bowls, alternatively and accor- sprigs of the tree, he climbs up and down ding to certain rules fill the compartments, by clinging his feet to it.
Ad00341 05 071a/engMiscell. Subj. CXV. Vol. VI. No. 69.
To the most remarkable possession* of the habitants, consisting of Europeans, native Dutch in the Indies belongs the Island of Javanese, Malays, Chinese and Slaves. For Java, and the city of Batavia situate upon it, the conveniency of the commerce canals are the chief place of those extensive and wealthy conducted through the large fine streets, possessions. This city was built by the Dutch, along which rows of trees are affording after they had expel'd the Portuguese, in shade to the walkers. In the street here the years 1618 till 1631, indeed upon a mar- fig. ured stands the Dutch-Calvinist Cathedral, shy unhealthful ground, but on account of a beautiful octagonal building with a cupola, the adjoining harbour and bay exceeding well Batavia is the seat of the Dutch Generalsituated for commerce, It is constructed in Governor and council with regard to the the European manner, has 20 regular streets, possessions of the Dutch in the Indie», and at present 5270 houses with 115,960 in
Ad00341 05 072a/engPlants. CXIII. Vol. VI. No. 70.
The gigantick Fourcroya. (Fourcroya gigantea.)
This plant here appears cut of below the crown of leaves. The stock attains to the This plant remarkable on account of its height of 2 feet, and has the bignefs of » stately stalk of blossoms is properly native in feet, the thick stiff leaves are 5 feet long, the Islands of Curassao and St. Domingo, but From the midst of the stock shoots the pomfrom thence almost hundred years ago trans- pous stalk of flowers 20 till 30 feet high, planted in the European hot-houses, where being smooth and lightgreen. On it are fixed it has but twice flourish'd, once at Schoen- the blossoms formed like a bell and downbrun near Vienna, the second time 1793 at wards hanging, as we see some of them at Pans. Since in modern times in France it (A.) represented in their natural greatnefs. has been found to form a peculiar species of How splendid soever this gigantick stalk of plants, the name of the illustrious Chymist, blossoms is to the eye, yet the smell is nothe counsellor of state, Fourcroy has been thing lefs than pleasant, bestow'd upon it,
Ad00341 05 073a/engPlants. CXIV. Vol. VI. No. 71.
The Aloes of Soccotora. (Aloe soccotrina.)
The Aloes here represented, remarkable on account of its physical virtues, as well as the common Aloes, (vide the Porte (olio of Children Vol. III. No. 24.) is met with in the isle of Soccotora, situated on the east coast of Africa, towards the straights, of Babelmandeb. The Stock rises a Foot and a half above the root, and at the top it bears thick Leaves which are pointed and indented. The Pedicle which measures about a foot and a half shoots out from amidst those leaves, bearing a clusterlike crown of red flowers, which partly raise themselves in an horizontal direction, partly hang downward. The pericarpium, arising from the flowers, includes the seed, which ripens only in the native country of this aloes. For that reason it is propagated in the hot-houses of Europe by means of germings. The carved leaves of this plant produce a murrey coloured juice, which, condensated into resin, formerly has been employed in medicine; but now little use is made of it.
Ad00341 05 074a/engWorms. XII. Vol. VI. No. 72.
yY e already got acquainted with - the Polypes, -in. Vol, I. "tab. 62. of our gallo.ry. They are creatures which occupy the. lowest degree* of the animal reign-, being ranked among the Zoophytes, »r(Fiant-Animals, on account of their Fig. ure; that resembles a plant. By way of aggrandizement the annexed table exhibits the Polypes of ihe shape of a cup. Aboye the maaabpcl-yyi (Fig.. . 8,) many times aggrandized, appears art elevation, (;;) that is the gullet, into which; the Polype, by means of the pincers, (o. o.) carries the food, consisting of worms and little insects. The body sticks to a large stalk7 (Fig. - 8. P- 9) which the Polype.extends,, in order to take hold of other objects,, or* wraps up, like a serpent, (Fig.. 9.) being in act to swim. — The Polypes here described, if we behold them with unarmed eyes, appear like little points round about the heterogeneous body they keep close to;in crowds, (Fig.. 1. 4. 6.) Through the microscope we however distinguish their Fig. ured bodies, -looking like poppy-heads and forming various groups. In Fig.. 2. and 3. they are represented cleaving to â duck's-meat, (a. b.) rne large stalk- of an older Polype being a point o£ conjunction, (Fig.. 3.) In Fig.. 5. our corpuscles adhere to the dead body of a yellow Polype. (fZ. d. d.). In Fig.. '7. they, most elegantly, surround a little snail, where we likewise perceive the wriggled stalks (i. it) as well as the upright ones. (A, h.)
Ad00341 05 075a/engAmphib. XXVI. Vol. VI. No. 73.
The horned toad. (Rana cornuta.)
l'I itherto we have had but very imperfect drawings, concerning this strange animal, which had been delineated after faded patterns preserved in spirits of wine. (Pictule Gallery. Vol, III. No. 39.) By means of'the last voyage of discovery, undertaken by the Russians, Mr. Tilesius, counsellor of the court and celebrated german naturalist, has supplied us with the first exact picture of the horned toad, drawn to the life in the annexed view. In little numbers it is met with in several parts of SouthAmerica as likewise in Brasil and in the isle of S. Catherine. Though, the rough body and large mouth, with which it catches insects, have an hideous appearance, yet the bright- sparkling colours of the skin display themselves very handsomely. The yellowish- brown body is adorned with sharppointed warts and white-edged Fig. ures of the colour of a violet. The fore- and hindpart of the head as also the hind-feet are adorned with plain spots of the most beautiful green. Above the eyes raise themselves the orange- coloured eye -lids, resembling a cone, which, slightly looked upon, have been compared to little horns; whence the name of this toad proceeds. Besides it is remarkable on account of its greatnefs, in Fig.. A. being represented shortened by half, and Fig.. B, exposing its head in lull length. According to the account of Mr. Tilesius the weight of the horned toad amounts to 4 pounds. By the Brasilians it is called Aran- Tango, or open tun.
Ad00341 05 076a/engMisc. CXVI. Vol. VI. No. 74.
Fig. 1. A shepherd of Morea.
The present table exhibits one of the shepherds of the greek peninsula of the Morea, who is blowing on a simple rural pipe, near his herd. He is a mountain-shepherd, in his simple garment of sheep's skin, wearing a red cap upon the head and sandals on the feet. In the back-ground we perceive the sheepfold and the high scaffolds, which serve the shepherds for a summer-abode. In the winter or generally in cool nights these shepherds, with their flocks, retire into mountaincaverns, which are the usual dwellingplace of their families. These shepherds lead a very simple and poor life; yet with all that they are indépendant.
Fig.2. The modern-greek Story-singer.
The annexed view represents a moderngreek story-singer; in his usual custom, near a fountain of the turkish order, in a grove. Accompanied by his instrument, resembling a mandolin of a long neck, he gives several songs to some inhabitants of Morea, who differ, among themselves by rank and consequently by fashion, in the midst of whom we likewise behold a shepherd. These storysingers, traversing the whole country, perform, at the same time, the functions of poets, musicians and story -tellers for the sake of public sport.
Ad00341 05 077a/engMisc. Subj. CXVII. Vol. VI. No. 75.
There is a custom in Russia, according to which the impérial court bestows a feast upon the people of Petersburg, on solemn occasions, such as conclusions of peace, coronations andweddings. The annexed table exhibits such a feast, which took place in the year 1790, at the conclusion of the peace made with Sweden. Before the imperial Winter-palace they had constructed two pyramidical sc. ffolds, of 20 yards in height, (Pig. l.) whereof the steps, turning round about, were served up with meals and pastrywoik of every kind. Above each was placed a roasted ox, the one of which had gilded horns and the other silvered horns. The pyramids were adorned with rosecoloured tafiety in a manner that only the horns peeped out, which stood in competition for the prize. At the signal given by a cannon- shot the people rushed thither; they gained the tnffety by pieces; the meats were flung on all sides; a troop of courageous rowers got the golden horns and thereby a premium of 100 rubels. The pyramids being stripped, some fountains, at a little distance, began to spout out red and white, wine. (Fig.. 2.) The people rushed thither in crowds, gathering in hats the delicious drink and presenting it by turns to the neighbours. Some common Russians even climbed up the fountain itself, in order to catch the whole wine-spout, but a well - applied syringe cooled the too bold drinker, repelling him within his bounds.
Ad00341 05 078a/engMiscell. Subj. CXVIII. Vol. VI. No. 76.
Àt the distance of 9 leagues from Barcel- and rich monastery of the Bénédictins, in Iona towards the Northwest, in the Spanish the church of which is to be found a miprovince of Catalonia, is situated the re- raculous image of the virgin - Mary, is simarkable Montserrat, (that is to say : tacked tuated, as the annexed view exhibits, on or sawn hill) whißh is called thus from its the large middle - plain of the mountain, being composed merely of rocks and cliffs in an hollow, behind which arise many joining clode to one another, in the midst Rocks. Between those, by means of of which there are little plains. This moun- footh-pathes, one arrives at thirteen hermitain is likewise renowned as a place of pe- tages dispersedly situated on higher rocks, regrination, upon which is situated a con- Each of them consists in some chambers, vent of Bénédictins and twelve single her- a little chapel and garden. The hermit» mitages, that partly are built in a very living here are not clergy-men but lay-breromantick manner betwixt the single rocks, thren, who, after having renounced the The whole number of the people, who se- world, lead here a rigorous solitary life' parately have fixed their abode on the Mont- far from the tumult of the world. They «errat, amounts to 250, comprising friars, only descend to the monastery of the Belaybrethren and attendants. The great nedictins on certain festival days.
Ad00341 05 079a/engMiscell. Subj. CXIX. Vol. VI. No. 77.
In several parts of Italy and Greece there mankind was but little acquainted with meare still to bé found many remains of an- chanical arts, and having required necessaricient stone-work, the singular structure of ly an enormous expence of strength, we at» which proves their being descended from tributed them to powerful giants of the prithe remotest antiquity, because, since im- mitive time, whence by the Ancients they memorial times, one does not build in such were already called malls of the Cyclopes. amanner. They are stone-walls, consisting The Cyclopes are the giants of the romantic of prodigious rocks, that are not hewed in- primeval world. The annexed view repreto squares, according to the present man- sents such a wall, comprising the proud ner, but artfully joined together and hea- remains of an ancient fortress, probably ped up, without cement or mortar, with those of Epidaurus - Limera, which exists as many polygons as they sprun" out of still in the background of the road of Mai. the quarry. These works having been con- vasia, in the peninsula of the Morea. A structed in the most ancient times, where handsome monument of human art!
Ad00341 05 080a/engMisc. Subj. CXX. Vol. VI. No. 73.
Fig. 1. Dance of the Dervis.
chpriest. The annexed table exhibits such a scene in the same JDervis are mahometa n mendicant friar», manner as it is represented in the principilo partly live in convents, partly shift pal mosquey at Bakts chi-Sara.) in Tauria. about in the Orient, particulary in Turkey and Persia, preaching their faith and pia-
Fig. 2. Buffoon in Crimea.
ying many superstitious tricks and juggles, The present table exposes to sight a in order to deceive the people. Accor- jew of Constantinopolis, who, accompanied ding to a singular rite they assemble by a rattling musick of gipsies, is playing in a moschey, (mahometan church) eve- his legerdemain-tricks for the sport of so*y tuesday and friday, in the evening, me gentlemen, who are his spectators, where, in presense of other devouts, they The dance being finished, he has formed keep divine service, and then lead a dan- his garments like a puppet, fastened upon ce, which only consists in a rapid turning, a staff, on the left arm, with which he One after the other falls into a kind of keeps a foolish discourse. The dumb pupswoon, out of which he is directly rou- pet only answers by blow«, to the utsed by few words whispered into his ear most delight of the spectators.
Ad00341 05 081a/engMiscell. Subj. CXXI. Vol. VI. No. 79.
Mett of extraordinary greatness are called America, tlie annexed table representing a Giants, as the name of dwarf is given to peruvian giant, called Basilio Huaylas, those, who distinguish.. themselves by unu- who, in the year 1792, was brought from sual littleness. Both of them are excepted the city of lea to Lima, capital of.Peru, from usual greatness of man, as we can in order to appear in publick. At the age not suppose there to be whole nations of of 24 years he exceeded the height of 7 giants or dwarfs upon our terrestrial globe, feet. The members of the body were of though tribes of lesser men may be found a disproportionate bigness, particularly towards the North, as well as the great those of the upper part. Ordinarilv Huayprogeny of Patagonians in South-America, las made his appearance in the strange custom here represented. In comparison Men of uncommon greatness frequent- a man of common size stands at his side, ly expose themselves to sight for money, by what means his gigantic Fig. ure is renon account of the scarcity, as every one de red the more striking, knows. The same custom is also found in
Ad00341 05 082a/engMisc. Subj. CXXII. Vol. VI. No. 80.
The present Emperor of Austria, his Majesty Francis I. determined to get erected a magnificent monument to the memory of his great uncle, Joseph II, who exceedingly deserved it of his nation by introducing useful arts and sciences. The Emperor desired this monument to consist of Joseph's equestrian statue of bronze, supported by a pedestal of granite, in order to embellish Joseph's place, before the imperial palace in Vienna. Mr. Zauner, a celebrated statuary in Vienna, was charged with this commission. After 11 jears of work the whole was finished in the most perfect manner, as the present view exhibits, and consecrated on Joseph's place the 24. of Nov. 1807, in the presence of the imperial family. The Emperor Joseph is seated on horseback, in the roman manner announcing his protection to his subjects by the extended right hand. Besides the tables of inscription there are on the pedestal two Basreliefs of bronze, relative to Joseph's merits. The opposite side refers to the freedom and Improvements which Joseph granted to the Trade of Austria. The height of the whole monument amounts to 33 feet, 8 inches ; that of the horse to I3feet; the Fig. ure of the Emperor is inheight II feet. The group of the horse with the Fig. ure of bronze has 400 quintals of weight. This statue is a beautiful monument of german art, worthy of being transmitted to the remotest posterity.
Ad00341 05 083a/engPlants CXV. Vol. VI. No. 81.
The Wax-Palm-Tree of South-America. (CeroxyIon andicola.)
1 hi3 remarkable kind of Palm-tree, which arrives at the extraordinary height of 160 or iSo feet, has been discovered by Mr. Alexander Humboldt, the celebrated naturalist, during his travels through SouthAmerica, oa the mountain called Quindiu. The trunk, that sticks to the earth with many roots and filaments, rises uprightly; betwixt the rings, formed by the fallen leaves, there cleaves a yellow bark, three lines thick, as smooth as a reed, consisting in a mixture of resin and was. On the left we behold a piece of the trunk in its natural greatness. The natives, who consider this bark as pure wax, form thereof tapers and candles, after having mixt it with a third of tallow. The spherical fruits, o[ violet - colour have a sweetish taste and are crowded together like bunches of grapes; the interiour part encloses a hard almond. This Palm-tree never bears more than ten feathered leaves, rising to the height of 18 = 21 feet, so that the whole offers a surprizing and sublime sight.
Ad00341 05 084a/engGarments. XI. Vol VI. No. 82.
The ancient Peruvians in South - America were a nation tolerably well civilized They had hereditary kings, who, as well as all the royal princes, were called Jncas, hein g regarded by the Peruvians as sons of Gods, off - springs of the sun, under the Fig. ure of which they adored the supreme deity. These Incas, whose families at present have almost been extirpated by the Spaniards, who conquered Perù, enjoyed a preeminence of reputation and honour, as we can judge by what has been before mentioned. Even now - a. aavs much reverence is paid to their memory, the present Peruvians still continuing to represent them symbolically, on solemn processions, though dressed in more precious and modernized garments than these princes used to wear at the time of their splendour. The annexed view exhibits such an allegorical representation of modern time?. We behold an Inca with his consort in their modern habit oF parade, which in. some particulars differs from the ancient one, as they are represented still now à days, on great solemnities, for the remembrance of ancient times, to the Peruvians, who do not belong to their descendants.
Ad00341 05 085a/engMiscell. Subj. CXXIII.. Vol. VI. No. 83.
To the modern Greeks and Turks death, according to the usual manner of antiquity-, does not appear under aspects of fear and terror, they rather consider it as a state of sweet repose, without aversion. For that reason ihey bury their corpses in open coffins, trimmed with precious stuffs ; they dreis the dead body in the best clothes of the deceased, covering him with flowers. Thus they commit the last remains to graves situated without the towns, on high • ways or upon hills surrounded by cypresses. These sepulchers, which frequently serve as publick walking - places, are of the most charming forms, consisting in open chests of white marble, (Fig.. II.) near which arise pillars decorated with symbols relative to the sex and rank of the deceased. The turban signifies a man; a kind of urn a woman; a rose denotes a girl. Within these chests, filled with light earth, they plant flowers, that are cultivated with religious care by the relations of the deceased. Richer Turks get built whole funeralhalls, (Fig.. i.) which consist either of open arches, bearing a cupola, or are locked up and enlightened from above. The annexed view likewise exhibits buildings of greater compass, provided with open vestibles, where the Mahometans perform their devotion.
Ad00341 05 086a/engWorms XIII. Vol. VI. No. 84.
In Vol. III. No. 94- °f our Picture• Gallery we already became acquainted with the admirable Medusa's head sea star, belonging to the genus Asteria or star - fish. The annexed table exhibits an other extraordinary species of these animals, viz, the echinoid Asterias. It is a native of the Indian seas, which sometimes arrives at so considerable a size, as to measure more than twelve inches in diameter. From the body depressed and covered with a coriaceous crust arise twenty rays, that are spinous as well as the body. The mouth of this animal consists of the aperture, which we behold in the midst of the body. Most beautiful specimens of this curious animal were formerly: preserved in the Leverian Museum at London. —
Ad00341 05 087a/engMisc. CXXIV. Vol VI. No. 85.
The cathedral church of St. Paul, which we see here represented from the side of the Thames, is one of the most beautiful buildings of modern architecture. It stands in the centre of the great metropolis of the british empire, being reared in the place of an ancient gothic cathedral, that was almost entirely destroyed by the terrible fire of 1666. The celebrated Architect, Sir Christopher Wren, formed his plan of it partly on the Model of St. Peter's Church at. Rome This immense edifice was reared in 35 years, the foundation being laid on the 2i£t- of June 1675 and the building completed in 1710, at the expence of 4,420,512 dollars of Saxony. This Cathedral is in the form of a erosi. The outside is adorned with three magnificent entrances and two ranges of pilastres. Above the principal entrance stand two steeples; the chief ornament, however, i» the stately dome, rising in the centre. The dome rests on 32 columns supporting a gallery surrounded by a balustrade, the ascent to which from tl»? bottom is by 534 stepsi 0»er the gallery rises the magnificent cupola with a second gallery, on the top of which stands a little turret or lanthorn terminating in a gilded ball and cross. — The inside of St. Paul's is so far from corresponding in beauty with its exterior that it is only decorated with conquered ship'« flags and two statues and monuments erected in honour of Johnson and Howard. The annexed view exhibits likewise a remarkable procession consisting of the Lord Mayor's going by water to Westminsterhall, with great pomp, in barges splendidly decorated. This procession takes place annually on the 9'h. of November, being the day on which the new chief magistrate enters upon the duties of hit office.
Ad00341 05 088a/engPlants CXVI. Vol. VI. No. 86.
The dwarf rosebay. (Rhododendron ponticum.)
This beautiful shrub is met with in the Orient as well as in several parts of SouthSpain, particularly in the environs of Gibraltar, and in the orange-houses of Germany. Cultivated with due care it forms a shrub like a tree of 5 a 6 feet of height. The oblong and pointed leaves are ever green; they have a shining surface; on the inferior part they arc. lighter green, traversed by strong veins and crooked towards the extremitv. They cleave together in great numbers towards the top of the branches. The stalk is extremely short. In the months of June and July on the points of the branches there appear red blossoms of five leaves, that stick together like clusters, which recommend this shrub as an embellishment of gardens. At first sight it resembles the Oleander, but on beholding it more attentively we easily find out the difference. The dwarf rosebay comprehends eleven kinds, which chiefly are found on high mountains, or Alps, whence their name derives. In the native country of this shrub some kinds are employed in medicine on account of their astringent virtue.
Ad00341 05 089a/engMisc. Subj. CXXV. Vol. VI. No. 87.
The isle of Staffa and Final's care in Scotland are not superior in beauty to the magnificent Giants- causeway, situated on the northwestern coast of Ulster, in the county of Antrim in Ireland. It is naturally formed of innumerable pillars of basaltes which arise perpendicularly, having been regarded in former times by superstitious people as a work of spirits and giants. Those pillars of basaltes (which are reckoned 30,000) form a kind of promontory gradually declining towards the sea aud terminating in a causeway, which by means of the pillars proportionately broken off forms an even way. This causeway has about 600 feet in length and 120 to 14.0 in breadth. The single pillars have 12 to 15 inches in diameter, being quadrangular, sexangukr and octangular, but for the most part sexangular, as the present table shews, on one side elevated and on the other fluted, whereby the single parts of the pillars join together like the vertèbres of the back-bone, thus supporting themselves in an upright direction.
Ad00341 05 090a/engMisc. Subjects CXXVI. Vol. VI. No. 88.
The blast of corn, which frequently impairs the produces of harvest, is a sickness of the corn-plants, which is not discernible untili the ears begin to bud. Wheat is most frequently attacked by this sickness of blast, that consists in the grains not being duely ripe, whence instead of containing a white and mealy substance, they are filled up with blackish grains consisting of dust and stinking in their fresh state, whereby at length the whole car is soiled, when the blighted wheat-grains buTst and the blasting fies out. P. I is a blasted wheat grain in its natural greatness. Fig.. 2. and 3. considerably magnified, b b b in both Fig. ures there are the tops steiilized by sickness, a a. Fig.. 2. the pistils deformed by sickness. 'Fig.. 3: shews the interior of a blasted wheat-grain. Fig.. 4. exhibits a number of magnified grains of the blasting. Every grain is composed of several other lumps accumulated together, which we discern through the microscope on moistening the blast. Fig.. 6. shews the form of single grains of the sound and immature wheat-flour, when it is wettish. The blasting of wheat is but a particular kind of mushrooms consisting of dust and belonging to the genus blast, comprehending many species. To the same genus is likewise ascribed the pretended rust of corn. In Fig.. 5. we behold the form of the grains of the rust of bailey greatly magnified.
Ad00341 05 091a/engMisc. Subjects CXXVII. Vol. VI. No. 89.
In the South of Spain, between Valencia and locked themselves up with their relations Barcellona, is situated the city of Murviedro, in the houses which were set on fire, thus where there are the ruins of ancient Sa- delivering themselves as free citizens to the giuit, whose remains we behold in Fig.. I. flames with their preciousEffects. The Romans an;l II. of this table. vindicated the Saguntines in the second war with the Carthaginians by expelling The city of Sagunt is famous for the them from amidst the ruins of the demoPerseverance beyond all example with which lished city, which they rebuilt more magthe inhabitants, the allies to the Romans, nificently than before, and yet Sagunt, a defended themselves against the Carthagi- second time restored to all its splendour, nians under the conduct of Hannibal after was again destroyed by the Barbarians dutne first war with the above mentioned na- ring their invasion in the fifth century, the tion. Tha Carthaginians after a siege of only evidences of its former grandeur being «ight months having at length taken the city the remains, particularly those of the theaby assault, and the rapacious soldiers being tre, part of which we behold in Fig. I. in permitted by Hannibal to plunder it tho- the fore-ground. Under the succeding doroughly he was astonished at finding not- minion of the Goths Sagunt was rebuilt hing but destruction and mint. The in- once more but with less beauty. The rehabitants of Sagunt had ra;her die than mains uf that time are probably those, of itfrvive the foil of their liberty; those, the citadel. (Fig.. H.) tli;t bad not fallen gloriously in fi'gthing